My flight was halted by sudden silence behind me. During Yuan Dynasty to early Ming Dynasty, the government forbade silver as currency by introduction and promotion of paper currency. 我的身后突然一片静寂,令我不禁停下了逃跑的脚步。元代至明初,朝廷明令推行纸币,禁止白银作为货币流通。
China's steady reform of its banking and overall financial infrastructure is considered key to the full integration of China's currency globally, said the paper. 白皮书称,中国银行业及其整个金融结构的稳定改革是中国货币实现完全全球化的关键。
Therefore, regarding the characteristics of the inflation pushed by foreign currency, this paper provides several macro-control measures on its soft landing. 为此针对外汇推动型通货膨胀的特点,提出了若干“软着陆”的宏观调控措施的建议。
To most of us, money is nothing but the currency ( a paper currency) of a country. 对咱们大多数人而言,货币只是`&个国家的通货。
Although currency was paper at the beginning, it shifted to silver later. 虽然开始使用的是纸币,但其后转为使用银了。
The most important kind of currency is paper, in various denominations: one, two, fives, tens, etc. 最重要的一种货币是纸币,有各种面额的:一元的,二元的,五元的,十元的等等。
At the beginning of the production process of the new$ 100 bill, the future currency is no more than special paper. 在新的100美元的钞票生产过程的开始,未来的货币只不过是特殊纸张多。
It considered only metal currency, but not the independent paper currency. 二是只考察金属货币,没有考虑到完全独立的纸币;
Since the birth of the paper currency, the struggle between making pseudo paper currency and forbidding it has never stopped. 而自纸币诞生起,造伪和禁伪的斗争就从没有止息过。
Traditionally, more cautious bond investors have avoided this local currency paper because of the greater risks involved and, often, reduced liquidity. 比较谨慎的债券投资者通常避开这些本币债券,因为其风险更高,而流动性往往更低。
Any capital losses incurred as a result of swings in currency values, even if they are only on paper, could make the central bank and Safe the target of bitter criticism. 如果人民币汇率摇摆不定,因此导致的资本损失即便仅是纸面损失都可能使央行和外管局面对尖锐批评。
During Yuan Dynasty to early Ming dynasty, the government forbade silver as currency by introduction and promotion of paper currency. 摘要元代至明初,朝廷明令推行纸币,禁止白银作为货币流通。
Today, our currency is a mixture of coins and paper money. 今天,我们的货币是硬币和纸币的组合。
Concerning the interbank foreign currency trading service still under construction, this paper elaborates on the trading pattern, clearing mechanism and technical network support, as well as on the. 文章分别就设计中的银行间外币买卖业务的交易模式、清算机制、网络技术支持等问题,以及政策出台的背景和意义进行了较为详细的阐述。
Aiming at the request to information manage about material supporting of currency arming, this paper, on the precondition of analyzing collectivity target, programs a multilayer information system which based on the network, and expatiate the approach to realize it. 针对现代条件下通用装备器材保障对信息处理的要求,文章在分析总体目标的前提下,规划了一种基于网络环境的多层信息系统,并阐述了具体实现的途径。
The currency of stationery made of paper had a far reaching and enormous influence on the development of the ancient Chinese civilization 纸质书写材料的流行,对中国古代文明的发展产生了巨大而深远的影响
Started from the basic principle of the currency swap, the paper studies the pricing and arbitrage of the currency swap, analyses three models of fix-to-fix interest rate currency swap and the market risks under each model. 本文从货币互换的基本原理出发,研究了互换的定价和套利,分析了固定利率对固定利率的货币互换的三种模式,以及不同模式下所面临的市场风险。
Currency recognition, usually concerning with paper currency or bank note, is involved in recognizing the values and the fake. 货币识别是对货币&通常是指纸币的币值、真伪进行鉴别。
The Identification Instrument in the thesis collects the paper currency images by specific CIS Sensor while paper currencies circumgyrating with high speed. 本文的识别系统首先通过专门的CIS传感器设备,对高速传动的纸币实时采集其图像。
Taking into account the special function of the bank credibility in Chinese currency, this paper calculates the index of Chinese currency position based on the estimate of the option weight via VAR model. 考虑到银行信用对中国货币政策实施的特殊作用,本文基于VAR模型对权重的估计,计算了中国货币状况指数;
Different kinds of currency crises have different economic effects. This paper mainly discusses the relationship between currency crises and output level. 不同的货币危机对经济产出水平有不同的影响,文章主要研究货币危机与产出水平之间的关系。
The proposition of "Anti-Gresham's Law" makes people reexamine the competition of the currency in the credit system of paper currency. 逆格雷欣法则的提出将使人们重新审视在信用纸币制度下的货币竞争问题。
Using the theory of currency integration and especially the theory of the optimal currency zone, this paper analyses the feasibility of establishing a currency system in East Asia and discusses the economic base for the regional currency cooperation from both the static and dynamic angles. 用货币一体化理论,特别是最优货币区理论标准对构建东亚区域货币体系的可行性,分别从静态和动态两大角度进行考察,以探讨区域进行货币金融合作的经济基础条件。
So long as the government can follow the circulation law of the currency, adjust and control the amount of paper currency to adapt to the currency quantity in circulation, the reality that paper currency totally replaces the position of metal money is totally feasible. 只要政府能遵循货币的流通规律,调控纸币的发行量适应流通中所需要的货币量,纸币完全取代金属货币的流通地位是完全可行的。
The communications between master and show will be plug if the currency running too fast. This paper uses a multi-buffer queue mechanism to avoid this. 纸币运行速度快,导致主控与显示之间的通讯容易发生堵塞,本文采用了多缓冲区队列机制。
Collection, recognition and disposal of paper currency image are the key techniques in paper currency sorting system. It has a wide market prospect and development space especially in banks. 纸币图像采集、识别和处理是纸币清分系统中的核心技术,特别是在银行业,纸币清分系统具有广阔的市场前景和发展潜力。
The methods to achieve specific functionality of safety, currency and scheduling strategy are described in this paper. 论文详细介绍了保证安全性、通用性和调度策略的具体功能实现方法。
Embedding the number recognition system into the counterfeit detector will help us record the serial number while detecting the currency paper, which will provides an effective way to identify the authenticity of these tickets and detect and prevent the robbery with violence. 如果能在现有点钞机中嵌入号码自动识别模块,在验钞的同时能够快速的记录下纸币号码的话,就为这些票证的真伪辨别和暴力抢劫的侦破和防范提供了一种有效的途径。
Using the currency demand method, this paper investigates the size of the hidden economy from 66 industries. 本文使用货币需求法测度了66个行业的隐性经济规模。
A lot of people know jiaozi is the earliest paper currency in the world, but few people know paper currency had played an important role in the economic life during this period. 很多人知道交子是世界上最早的纸币,却并不了解纸币曾经在该时期的经济生活中扮演着多么重要的角色。